Circumstances just turned out that I will have to give up my skybox in Second Life shortly and find a new home. I have moved several times since I've started SL, but for some reason, this feels like it will be the hardest relocation for me. Maybe because I was the most attached to this place. I'm sure I will find something new and possibly even better, although I may have to spend more than I'd planned. I actually have been very lucky in that I've had free office and home space for so long thanks to the AVL/CVL. And it's not that I mind paying so much. It's just hard to start over again, but I'm sure it will also be fun and a nice new start. I just tend to dislike change and take things a bit seriously, two traits that are really not compatible with SL which is a very changeable and non-serious place. What's nice is that I've already had offers from some good friends about rentals and even places to stay for free while I'm land hunting. I did rent a space already but am not too sure it will be permanent.
My real life friends and husband both think I'm crazy to spend so much time and express so much angst over this situation, but some of my SL friends understand. It's almost like I'm losing my real life home. And anyone who has moved in real life, can understand how disruptive it can be.
I can remember sitting on my gazebo last summer as the sun set looking over at my pond as my swan swam across it and thinking how peaceful it was. It made me feel nice just to have a spot away from the craziness and stresses of real life just for a few moments to myself. And then when I hung my Christmas stockings over my fireplace mantle this Christmas and put up my virtual tree, it was nice to decorate in SL and it added to my holiday cheer. I was looking forward to spring planting soon and I know I can still do it elsewhere, but I will have to say goodbye to this particular place. And I am reminded once again that life is full of goodbyes to people . . to places . . . in SL and RL. I'll get over it, but I'm still sad ):
My real life friends and husband both think I'm crazy to spend so much time and express so much angst over this situation, but some of my SL friends understand. It's almost like I'm losing my real life home. And anyone who has moved in real life, can understand how disruptive it can be.
I can remember sitting on my gazebo last summer as the sun set looking over at my pond as my swan swam across it and thinking how peaceful it was. It made me feel nice just to have a spot away from the craziness and stresses of real life just for a few moments to myself. And then when I hung my Christmas stockings over my fireplace mantle this Christmas and put up my virtual tree, it was nice to decorate in SL and it added to my holiday cheer. I was looking forward to spring planting soon and I know I can still do it elsewhere, but I will have to say goodbye to this particular place. And I am reminded once again that life is full of goodbyes to people . . to places . . . in SL and RL. I'll get over it, but I'm still sad ):