One of the reasons I rented land in SL, besides having a private place to change, was to also have a place where I could invite friends for get togethers. While these parties take a bit of planning and some work, they usually turn out well worth it because they are lots of fun. Add a nice music stream, decorations, and games for a group, and you have the makings of a good SL time. In this case, I asked a DJ friend to stream the music and my friend who happens to live across from my island to host part of it at his place where he had a great idea to do a fireworks show, too.
One of the highlights of the party aside from the swimming, dancing, bouncing on the bouncer, soaking in the hot tub, playing a beach ball game which didn't quite work but, hey, this is SL we're talking about, and watching the fireworks, most people enjoyed the Truthball game where we took turns answering questions about ourselves. Some of the answers were funny; some serious, but they were all a good way to learn about one another -- something that isn't always easy to do in chat or at regular SL meetings. One of the interesting things I noticed was how similar the answers were to the question about what brought people to SL and what keeps them here were. Almost all of us, and keep in mind we are a group of librarians, came here for professional reasons and are staying because of the friends we made here.
There really doesn't have to be a reason for a party in Second Life. Any excuse will do for a virtual good time.