For most of us, Spring has sprung. In SL, many sims are replacing their snowy landscape with gardens and picnic areas. Shops are selling warm-weather clothing. Virtual birds are chirping in virtual trees. Partners and friends are strolling through SL gardens. Everything is in virtual bloom, and Easter hunts are starting.
On Seahorse, I've done some digging in my inventory and started my virtual gardening. I've "planted" several trees and put out my pretty swan pond and a picnic area. My horses are out grazing. There are lots of butterflies around the sim now, and my neighbor even has an area where it rains.
My new "Italy" house came with a full garden of roses and other shrubs and included a reflecting pond and wrought iron benches, perfect for spring into summer living. I added some patio furniture and an iced tea giver for another comfortable place to relax when spending more time outdoors in the nice weather.

But along with the visual, this beautiful season isn't complete without some nature sounds. My cherry tree has a tinkling windchime, and crickets and owls can be heard from the nests they build inside it.
Spring is definitely one of the prettiest seasons in SL, as it is in RL. Enjoy it!