But my major concern is finding the time to do everything and have some seasonal fun, too, both in rl and SL. As most Second Life residents know, it is a tough act to balance both real life and Second Life activities. When a very good friend decided to have her wedding in mid-December and asked me to be her bridesmaid, I was very happy and looking forward to the occasion. Now, after planning an engagement and two holiday parties in SL, as well as preparing for my rl holidays, I'm getting a little jittery. That's not to say I won't enjoy it. I will immensely. It's just that time goes so fast when you're older and, when you're a kid, you don't have to worry about buying and wrapping gifts, writing out Christmas cards, and fitting everything in between work and your regular daily activities. Add Second Life into that equation and things get even more hectic, even though they are lots of fun.
The winter season is actually one of the most enjoyable in SL, and you don't even have to worry about getting cold, although some of the ice and snow on winter sims can give you a little chill. Just turn your heat or fire up while you log on, and you're all set. Lots of holiday cheer abound throughout SL if you have the time to check them out or hold your own party. I guess the hectic pace is just part of the fun. No time to chill until the New Year.
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